It all kicked off at the end of June in Berlin, with big guests from Deutsche Telekom (and T-Mobile US), Qualcomm, Lenovo, and Volucap. We’re looking forward to a four-month program ahead that brings Patch to Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform and gives us access to mentoring from Telekom.

And yes, this means we’ve also got the developer platform to expand Patch’s reach and compatibility. This will start with the latest Lenovo smart glasses and Motorola smartphones, but Qualcomm’s platform provides a range of device support for AR glasses and mobile platforms.

You can read about how our pitch was received by the jury, amidst an international response:

The Best of the Best: hubraum’s Snapdragon Spaces Pitch Highlights [hubraum]

More on the program:

Leading the pack! Kicking off our Snapdragon Spaces Program

Deutsche Telekom’s Product Manager for XR and Consumer IoT Jan Speich said that Patch’s pitch “revealed that XR is much more than just transferring existing use cases into 3D form.” And yes, Jan, we’re excited to share with you. As he tells hubraum:

For me, it’s all about the in-person experience. I’m most excited about getting real hands-on demos in a couple of months. I’m especially looking forward to trying out PatchXR’s music experience (they let you build entirely new musical instruments and play electronic music in the metaverse).

Thanks to hubraum and partners for the opportunity. As they put it: “We’re hoping to fuel innovation transfer for these startups, giving participants access to a truly global market and helping them take their idea to the next level.”

For our part, we’re excited to bring Patch to new multiplayer and 5G mobile environments. It’s a chance to explore and create fantastical worlds anywhere you want, set free from fixed screens and isolated locations. That means not just going mobile solo, but also connecting, sharing, and jamming with other people.

Check out the event recap:

Here we are getting the gear for our developer team:

And a backstage interview, with the unmistakable pink Telekom “T.”